
The First Day of May brings new beginnings and fresh starts. It is also the day of Beltane, an original and ancient fire festival, symbolizing celebration, fertility and purification.

Beltane is the pagan name for May Day, that falls about halfway between the Spring Equinox (Ostara) and the coming summer solstice (Litha). Beltane is exactly 6 months on the Wheel of The Year from Samhain. It has been celebrated in as well Nordic, German and Celtic traditions, and has roots all the way back to the Bronze Age.

The origins of the Beltane celebration is of Celtic/Gaelic tradition, and the word Beltane comes from the Gaelic word meaning "Bright Fire. The festival marks a time where the land comes into its fullest expression. Beltane is a time to be surrounded by the beauty of spring and say a final farewell to the Winter time and embrace the blooming future. The day of Beltane is a threshold time to find the courage to let go of the past, and step forward with our dreams and visions as we infuse our lives with creativity, passion, and vitality. On this day the veil is thin, and it is a powerful day to set intentions to step further into our light. Through celebrations and rituals, we are supported in travelling through worlds, opening to blessings and connecting to the elements, our guides and ancestors.

Weaving of the Soul

One of the key themes of Beltane is a ‘weaving the soul’, or the sacred, back into the physical world. It is also about keeping your heart open and recognising and celebrating love in all its forms. Other themes include sacred union, fertility, beauty and the balancing of opposites. And as a festival day at a time when the land is becoming ever more fertile and lush, it also has a quality of sensuality, reminding us to reconnect with and take care of our physical bodies.

This is the perfect time of the year to consider what energises us and lights us up. What fills you with passion and inspires you? 

A Portal to Summer

Beltane is one of the key nature celebrations in the Wheel of the Year, where it is the equivalent of Samhain in the Fall. Where Samhain is a portal to the Winter, Beltane is a portal to Summer. It has been celebrated for centuries as a threshold time, a time between worlds, where we can open to the power of nature and its elements.

Earth, Fire and Water

Beltane is a feast of joy that celebrates new life, fertility and love, and most of the original traditions are rooted in the elements of Earth, Fire and Water. The Earth element is represented by the many herbs and flowers of this season, that connect us to a blooming chapter. The fire element is represented by the tradition of ‘jumping-over-fire’ together as a ritual for letting the Winter go. And the Water element is represented by the tradition for going to holy sources and spring around this day.

Beltane connects us to the power of a blooming season through flowers, letting the past go and celebrating life through gatherings, rituals and celebration. It is a magic time, that calls forth our longings and our love to be manifested.

Take some time today to celebrate the fertility of the Earth, pick a wildflower bouquet, decorate your home, make a wrath or light a fire. Or gather your friends for a community celebration to celebrate life in one of the coming days.  

May the fertility of the Earth bring prosperity and abundance to your home and your community. May you be surrounded by the beauty of nature and the richness of life.

May the Beltane fires light your way and guide you towards new beginnings and opportunities. May you be surrounded by love, warmth, and the energy of growth and renewal.

Share your special Beltane moment or ritual in the comments below.

Beltane Blessings

BELTANE rituals

Fire Purification Ritual

Beltane is a powerful time to celebrate the threshold to a new season, as we finally say fare well to winter and walk through the portal to the summer season. Fire is the alchemy that frees you from the past, as you allow yourself to let go of the old and leave space for new intentions, that can help you step further into your light.

✨  Find some incense, sage, palo santo or go into nature to collect some dry birch bark. 
✨  Light a fire or candle. 
✨  Set an intention for that which you would like to purify and release. 
✨  Light the incense, sage or birch bark
✨  Watch the smoke clear the air. See how the flame shines brighter and brighter. 
✨ Meditate and breathe as you allow yourself to let go.
✨ If you feel like it, you can move your body or dance to activate the fire within.

Potluck Picnic

May Day marks the beginning of the outdoor season in the Northen hemisphere. After a long period of hibernation it’s (finally!) time to get out of our nests and expand our living space - and social hours. The light gives us more energy and we crave more social get-togethers with friends. Beltane can be a great time for a kinfolk gathering in the greenery and celebrate with a potluck or picnic. If you want to revive the magic of the old traditions, light a fire, jump over the fire together. Sing. Dance.

Holy source at Bornholm from the Semine Motherland Guide

Visit a Spring

During all times, people have visited Springs as sacred places for healing. Beltane is especially connected to the Water element through freshwater springs, that are considered charged with energy around this time. In Denmark we have several holy sources such as Helenekilde and Kirsten Piils Kilde. Beltane is a great time to visit a source today. Or book an extended weekend in an Inn or resort close to one of them and open the outdoor season with a mini-getaway. You can find inspiration in Semine’s Motherland Guide, that takes you on a trip through Denmark.