Cancer New Moon

The Cancer New Moon comes with a motherly embrace of nurturing and deep inner healing. This can be an emotional time, as Mother Moon highlights the most tender parts in us. The Cancer New Moon teaches us to embrace all of our emotions and use them as a guide for our next steps and and anchor for new intentions, as we forgive ourselves for whatever may have been holding us back.

Feel it to heal it

Ruled by water and representing the feminine archetype, Cancer is the sign of our origins. Our lineage. Our foundation. Our home. The inner cores of who we are. Cancer is our roots and connects us back to our roots. With Cancer being a sign of self and home, this is a time of personal focus that includes family, home and close community or tribe. This is a time of inner reflection,and anything you anchor for yourself during this time holds the potential to have a ripple effect on the bigger picture of your life.

As a water sign Cancer knows the world of emotions and holds nothing back. She feels it as she heals it, and she knows that to shed tears is to shed the past. She knows that nothing is ever wasted, and life is a cycle. She is here to tell you that the tears you shed over your past or current pain are precious pearls that water the new seeds in your heart at the same time.

The New Moon in Cancer is the perfect opportunity to shed any mental attachments, regrets and disappointments from the past so they free up space in your mind to dream something different for yourself for the future.

The Great Mother

The New Moon in Cancer is an excellent opportunnity to work around refining your self care routines, home environment and personal goals. Think of Cancer as The Great Mother and spend some time around the New Moon to really focus on your own thriving and what you desire. Try to really notice and embrace your emotions around what is important to you as you move forward.

Try to think of yourself as a mother to all the places in you, that have been neglected: Lost dreams, tiny hopes and all the ideas and places in you, that you have abandoned due to circumstances, trauma or simply the business of life. The New Moon in Cancer is the perfect time to tend to those places in you, like mother would tend to her child. By gentle acts of encouragement, nurturing and deep love.

Re-imagine yourself

Think of this time as the beginning of a new cycle and use it to kick-start the next chapter in your life. As you feel, heal, release and (maybe) forgive, you free up space to build a new foundation that will support you in your evolution and growth.

Take the change to embrace the Cancer New Moon as an opportunity for great healing around any issues regarding your home and origins. As you re-connect with the feminine aspects of nurturing, this is a time to go on an inner adventure to explore what life could look like for you, if you allowed yourself to dream again. And the beautiful summer nights carry the perfect container to do so.

Take the invitation of the beautiful Cancer New Moon to dive deep in your inner healing and nurture yourself. Then plant your desire right in in the center of your heart and know that it is the safest place to plant anything.

Nurture yourself, love yourself, trust yourself and think of the Life you desire to live.

The Cancer moon is here to lead ourselves home.

New Moon Blessings,

What if you were to create a new version of you and care for that version–like a gardener would tend to a new seed? What would that look–and feel–like for you?

3 Ways to connect to the Cancer New Moon

  1. Be kind to Yourself
    Be kind to yourself, not only your body, but also your soul. Treat yourself like you would treat a precious child.

  2. Notice your emotions
    Pay attention to what comes up for you during the days of the New Moon. Try to pay attention to what may trigger emotions around the themes of self and home. What makes you feel safe?

  3. Listen to your body’s wisdom.
    Your body is wise beyond your brain. Your body is able to pick up much more information from your surroundings and process it much faster than your brain. If something looks good on paper, but feel off, it might not be the good deal, it looks like. Trust your gut, when it warns you of a mess. That way, you will make better future decisions free of having to clean up later.

Your Emotional Self

Journal Prompt:

Describe yourself, your essence, or what you do–without using conventional/3D terms. (I am a lawyer, I am this, I am that)

Now expand your idea of who you are. Give validity to all the gifts you have, that don’t have a label in the conventional world. Give names to the ENERGY of who you are and what you do, as you describe you I am presence:

“I am a creative genious. I am unconditional Love. I am a creating my best life yet.”

You might be surprised how your soul expresses itself, but take the words to your heart and stay with them for a while. Write them, down, put them in a place, where you see them often for affirmation. Gradually, you will begin to see your VALUE in the places the world didn’t teach you, your WORTH in places only you define, your BEAUTY as your soul expresses it. The truth is, you soul doesn’t fit into boxes, it wants to be expressed, it can be anything it wants, and so can you.



Set your New Moon intention and plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle with SEMINE’s self-print Moon Almanac cards.