Strawberry Flower Full Moon

The full moon in Sagittarius is here to lend power to our choices and commitments. As we are approaching the turn of the solar year, we are being given power to make turning points in our lives–if we follow the calling of our inner, higher truth.

The full moon in Sagittarius, also called Strawberry Moon, is here to help you ‘leap over.’ Whatever obstacle that has held you back in your recent journey is time to turn around. First in your head, then in your life.

The Strawberry moon is calling you to commit to new choices that hold the possibility to become a turning point in your life.

But as the saying goes, nothing can be given to you, that you won’t receive, and the universe is kind enough to give us the choice of ‘free will’ that works in the same way. In order for you to change a situation, you must ask -and commit to- the change first.

The Strawberry Flower Full Moon is a powerful time to reflect on what changes need to be made in your life and formulate a prayer of optimism and hope to send out to the universe.

The tricky part can be that, just like our bodies, most of our mind is made out of habits. Our mind prefers the same old-same old ideas and concepts because it prefers the known and want to play it safe, and just like we can feel resistant to making changes to our eating or workout regiment, resistance can show up, when we are challenged to change our thoughts and ideas about something in our lives.

The Strawberry moon is an incredible soft and kind moment of celestial support that asks you to try to challenge your ideas of what true security and comfort means to you. When you make your life choices and commitments, do you consider the power balance and ask yourself ‘what is the trade here’? That job, that gives you money and esteem, but taxes your health and steals you passion. Is it really worthy of your precious life energy? That friend you always show up for, you always listen to her or his complaints, but she or he cannot show up for you. Is it really worth your time and precious energy? You can read more about power balance and find inspiration on the 4 ways to making choices here.

Under this full moon, take some time out to journal, make a simple fire ceremony, practice self-care or go out on a medicine walk or sitting to fuel yourself with the grounding and nurturing energies of vitality and creativity of Mother Earth.

Just like the Strawberry flowers that light up with their little buds under the shining full Moon, you are here to flower as well.

Don’t live a life that is ‘less than’ you deserve. Living a full life is your birthright, and the moon wants you to feel into what that means to you, and make new choices from your heart into your life.

🌝 Full -Flower Moon- Blessings,

Leap over the word ‘obstacle’ and the idea that it cannot become. Make up your mind for your own higher truth and the new possibility that comes with each new day.

Journal Promts


Experiment with what if questions and scenarios.

What if you could make your wildest dream happen?

What if the moon whispered to you, ‘you already have all it takes’?

What if the only thing separating you from what you want, is daring to take the next steps to make it happen?

Stepping into Power

Cultivating our personal power back is a life long practice, especially in modern western societies that praise power as money, fame and prestige. And in this case, the work is of even more importance.


Set your New Moon intention and plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle with SEMINE’s self-print Moon Almanac cards.